Scratch Card - Recorder


Activity Checklist

  • Create two new lists (for all sprites). Call one of them instrument and the other timing.
  • Create a new variable (for all sprites) called recording
  • For each of your instruments (drum, piano, each sound sample etc.), you will need to add the following items to the when I receive block.

    if <(recording) = (1)> then
        add (timer) to [timing v]
        add (cat) to [instrument v]
  • Change the word “cat” in add [cat] to [instrument v] to match the name of the message used to play this sound.

    when I receive [drum v]
        play drum (48 v) for (0.2) beats
        if <(recording) = (1)> then
            add (timer) to [timing v]
            add (cat) to [instrument v]
        set size to (110) %
        wait (0.1) secs
        set size to (100) %
  • Draw a new sprite and give it a red circle costume. Name this sprite “Record”. record costume
  • Create a script that sets recording to 1 and deletes all of instrument and timing when clicked.

Test your project

Try clicking the record button. What happens when you play instruments?

  • Create another sprite and give it a costume in the shape of a green arrow. Call this “Play”. play costume
  • Create a new variable called index for Play only.
  • Now we need to make the playback actually do something. Add this script to “Play”

    when Play clicked
        set [recording v] to (0)
        set [index v] to (1)
        reset timer
            if <(item (index) of [timing v]) < (timer)> then
                broadcast (item (index) of [instrument v])
                change [index v] by (1)
                if <(index) > (length of [timing v])> then
                    stop script

Test your project

Press the green play button. what happens?

Now click the red record button and play some instruments. When you’re done, press the green play button again. What happens?

Play some more instruments without pressing record. Then play the green play button again. What happens?