Scratch Card - Mouths and talking


Activity Checklist

  • To make your monster talk, you can just use the Say sprite.

    when [space v] key pressed
        say [Hello!] for (2) secs
  • To make it a bit more impressive, you could make the monsters mouth open and close whilst it is talking. To do this, edit the sprite that contains the mouth - create a new costume that has a closed mouth. By switching between the two, you can animate the mouth opening and closing.

    repeat (8)
        wait (0.1) secs
        switch costume to [mouthClosed v]
        wait (0.1) secs
        switch costume to [mouthOpen v]
  • To hook the two up, have the block that does the say broadcast a message that the other block can react to.

    when [space v] key pressed
        broadcast [talk v]
        say [Hello!] for (2) secs
    when I receive [talk v]
        repeat (8)
            wait (0.1) secs
            switch costume to [mouthClosed v]
            wait (0.1) secs
            switch costume to [mouthOpen v]
  • To make this a bit more flexible, use a variable to control the talkTime the monster says something for, and also to control how many times the animation loop is repeated.

    when [space v] key pressed
        set [talkTime v] to (2)
        broadcast [talk v ]
        say [Hello!] for (talkTime) secs
    when [a v] key pressed
        set [talkTime v] to (4)
        broadcast [talk v]
        say [Something a bit longer] for (talkTime) secs
    when I receive [talk v]
        repeat ((talkTime) * (4))
            wait (0.1) secs
            switch costume to [mouthClosed v]
            wait (0.1) secs
            switch costume to [mouthOpen v]

(Notice how we multiply talkTime by 4 to make sure the loop repeats enough times?)

  • You can also make your monster speak using sound by using one of the sound blocks. Just be sure to import the sounds first in the sounds tab.

    when I receive [talking v]
        play sound [Screech v]

Why not try adding sounds to other events, you could use a spooky hovering sound for a ghost drifting around the screen!

If you have a microphone on your computer you can even record your own sounds, surprise your classmates by recording a loud monster ROOOAAAAARRRRR!!!